The New Healthcare (Second of a Series)

We continue our special series on how the coronavirus is affecting the healthcare industry. At the heart of this pandemic is the doctor/patient relationship.

Much has been written about heroic efforts by first-responders in the early days of the crisis. Information gleaned on the front-line by those experiences has contributed greatly to a better understanding of how this virus spreads. The importance of washing hands, wearing masks and social distancing has only been solidified as a result.

We spoke recently to our own primary physician in a Zoom interview about his experience in a COVID-19 world.

“Thank goodness for telemedicine,” he told us, speaking from his home. “I can be very effective each day and have meaningful discussions with my patients. A lot of these now involve testing for the virus antibodies, which is easy and quick. You can get the results next day. And our staff can do all the blood work for general physicals.”