Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 7/6/2020

2Q20 US syndicated down 46% y-o-y; 1H20 off 33% Following the shock, fear and aggressive spread of the Covid-19 virus which brought the world to a standstill in 1Q20, the pandemic and its impact on the global psyche became a mainstay in 2Q20. Across the capital markets, virtual office environments were up and running far…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 6/29/2020

Refinitiv LPC’s Quarterly Lender Survey: One fifth of lenders have not heard any plans to return to the office When asked if plans are being announced for segmented re-opening of your office, 16% of lenders said no while 36% reported that plans had been announced to start after Labor Day. “We were given a questionnaire…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 6/22/2020

Bid/Ask spread finally narrows to 2 points but still historically high The average bid/ask spread in the overall US secondary market finally narrowed to 2.01 points yesterday after peaking at 3.52 points on March 27 and hovering above 2 points for 3 months. Previously, the bid/ask spread fell below 3-point mark on April 27 after hovering above 3 for a month and it’s been on a slow…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 6/8/2020

Libor floors are back in the institutional market Investors are demanding Libor floors on institutional term loans as the Libor rate continues to drop. While 3-month Libor has been in a declining trend since 1Q19, it has plunged since the COVID-19 crisis hit. The average 3-month Libor rate has dropped to 0.67% so far this…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 6/1/2020

Middle market lenders weigh in on the percent of issuers that will miss P&I in June? Now that we are in June, middle market lenders are highly focused on how issuers will react at the June 30th principal and interest payment date.  While making P&I payments at March was a very stressful experience for many,…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 5/25/2020

Primary yields in the US institutional loan market tighten in May After spiking in April, primary US institutional yields have tightened in May, but remain at very high levels. The average yield, assuming a three-year term to repayment on first-lien institutional term loans is 8.15% in May, down from 9.45% in April. That month, issuers…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 5/18/2020

MM Sponsored dealflow pipeline expected to remain anemic through summer Middle market syndicated loan issuance remains extremely thin for sponsor-backed deals so far in 2Q20. Volume has only reached about US$1.6bn so far in 2Q20 with zero opportunistic flow such as refinancings or dividend recaps. Anecdotally, lenders indicate that the M&A pipeline is extremely thin…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 5/11/2020

Pricing, OIDs also widen for double B issuers in today’s market Pricing for double-B rated issuers has widened significantly this quarter. The average yield, assuming a three-year term to repayment, on first-lien institutional term loans for BB rated issuers is 6.19% so far this quarter, up from a much lower average of 3.94% in 1Q20….

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 5/4/2020

Avg. bid on Refinitiv’s BDC Visible Loans Benchmark remains at the 80 context Loans held by business development companies with mark-to-market pricing have stabilized in the 80 context in the last few days. Refinitiv’s BDC Visible Loans Benchmark provides investors with a daily mark on roughly US$20bn in first and second lien loans held by…