
Numbers, Again

“What did you learn in math class today, honey?” Picking our daughter up from her second day of an after-school program, we hoped to hear progress in our mission for her to reach coding stardom and launch the next Uber. Our four-year old made a long face, “Numbers, again,” she replied sadly. We sympathize. Hard…

On Demand

We don’t know anyone who’s seen the latest Godzilla movie, yet it’s grossed more than $375 million worldwide. On the other hand, the clearly-destined-to-be-a-cult-classic Vampire Academy has barely scraped in $15 million. Life, we suppose, is unfair. While not as profound on the scale of life’s mysteries, we have also cogitated on the ongoing spectacle…

Last of the Dinosaurs

It was the finale of the longest, slow-motion credit tumble ever witnessed, and certainly the most anticipated spectator event since the long-awaited Family Guy movie. On April 29, Energy Future Holdings filed for bankruptcy creating the largest default – $19.5 billion – in the history of leveraged loans. Creditors have been jostling for position for many months, a dance…

Place Your Bets

A few days before last month’s running of the 140th Kentucky Derby, the WSJ published a piece detailing six reasons why California Chrome wouldn’t win. Of course, the California-bred colt, a 5-2 favorite, dominated the field and took home the $1.2 million first-prize. No word on whether the sports editor has been reassigned. Against all odds, the CLO…

Now Where Were We?

When we last reported on market conditions two years ago the Dow had closed at 12,929. Today it stands at 16,408 – a 27% improvement. Greek bonds back in April 2012 easily yielded mid-teens returns. Last week a five-year Greek bond auction was seven times oversubscribed and priced at 5%. After the first sixteen games…