Chart of the Week

Chart of the Week - Sweep Stakes

The total share of loans that waived or reduced cash flow sweeps is still not back to pre-crisis levels, but those that waived sweeps is at an all-time high.

Chart of the Week - Off The Shelf

The universe of private equity backed companies in the US has leveled off, but still represents significant opportunities for future deal-making. Source: PitchBook

Chart of the Week - The Bigger They Are

As banks retreat under regulatory pressures, non-banks are bulking up in their capacity to do larger middle market deals Average Middle Market LBO Size Source: Thomson Reuters LPC

Chart of the Week - All Relative

Both loan and high-yield bond yields peaked in mid-December, easing since. Relative spread favors junk by 200 bps. Gap between high-yield bonds and loans Source: S&P LCD