Chart of the Week

Chart of the Week: 60/40 Hindsight

The traditional equities and fixed-income model is under-performing the historic average. Source: Bloomberg, The Daily Shot(Past performance is no guarantee of future results.)

Chart of the Week: Midcap Momentum

Churchill’s senior debt portfolio showing higher revenues and cash flows.   Source: Churchill Asset Management LLC(Past performance is no guarantee of future results.)

Chart of the Week: Book of Jobs

October’s labor report showed lower-than-expected job creation; a good inflation sign. Source: The Daily Shot(Past performance is no guarantee of future results.)

Chart of the Week: Novo Nordisk Effect

Blockbuster drugs Ozempic and Wegovy are driving Denmark’s manufacturing production. Source: Apricitas Economics(Past performance is no guarantee of future results.)

Chart of the Week: Swede Success

Industrial activity in Sweden surged in August, thanks to higher car and truck production. Source: The Daily Shot / OECD(Past performance is no guarantee of future results.)

Chart of the Week: Labor Gains

September’s unexpected new job additions of 336,000 increased Fed hike concerns. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics(Past performance is no guarantee of future results.)

Chart of the Week: Bonds Away

The Fed’s hawkish rates policy has pushed ten-year Treasury yields to a multi-year high. Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US)(Past performance is no guarantee of future results.)