
Are We Back to 2007? (First of a series)

What is the scariest sentence in the English language? If you’re a parent dropping off your four-year old at summer camp (as we did last Friday), a good candidate is, “Daddy, today we’re learning archery!” For bankers monitoring leveraged markets these days, it seems like the equivalent phrase of fear is, “We are back to…

Markit Recap - 7/14/2014

Credit spreads in North America and Europe have been trading in a tight range throughout July, with investors waiting to see how earnings season unfolds. US banks are not the flavour of the month,… Login to Read More...

Chart of the Week - 7/14/2014

Tale of Two Vintages  By one measure – public-to-private buyouts – today’s market is non-existent relative to pre-crisis levels. But sponsor-to-sponsor deals and corporate spin-outs are at a record pace…. Login to Read More...

Lead Left Interview - Scott Gluck (Part Two)

This week we continue our conversation with Scott Gluck, counsel at Venable LLP. Venable is a law firm with 600 attorneys in nine US offices. Scott assists private equity funds on a variety of corporate, legislative and regulatory matters.Second of two parts – View part one The Lead Left : Is there anything of interest in the…

Why CLOs Matter (Last of a Series)

They’re big, they’re bad, and now that they’re back, the end of the world is upon us. No, we’re not referring to the latest Transformers instalment: Age of Extinction.Though we’re compelled to point out that seems an equally appropriate headline for the obituary so many market observers seem eager to write about CLOs’ demise-by-Dodd-Frank. But just as…