
State of the Capital Markets – Third Q Review and Fourth Q Outlook 2014

New Feature! The Lead Left introduces a special bonus for our subscribers: Download each quarter your own State of the Capital Markets report. You get: Review of Current Market Conditions Analysis of Deal Statistics Outlook for Future Transaction Activity Become a subscriber of The Lead Left today and bring this great marketing tool on all […]

Why BDCs Matter (Part Two)

In the first installment of our special report on business development companies, we reviewed their history, summarized the basic precepts that govern them, and discussed some of their key features. This week, we take a closer look at BDC structures. As we wrote last week, BDCs are companies which issue stock to investors whose capital forms…

Lead Left Interview - Jonathan Bock (Part 2)

This week we continue our conversation with Jonathan Bock, CFA, Senior Analyst, Wells Fargo Securities. Jonathan is one of the foremost experts on BDCs in the banking industry / research community. The BDC Almanac (his primer) and the Wells Fargo BDC Scorecard (his quarterly) are the most read research reports in the market today.  Second of…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 10/20/2014

Leverage levels continued to increase last quarter which brought year-to-date averages close to the levels last seen in 2007. This had some market participants throw up caution signs wondering if it was a bad case of déjà vu. But there are a few caveats to… Login to Read More...

Markit Recap - 10/20/2014

If there was any doubt that credit markets are dependent on central banks for their sustenance, then events this weeks would surely have laid them to rest. All it took was a report that stated the ECB is considering buying corporate bonds in the secondary markets, possibly as soon as the first-quarter of next year….

The Pulse of Private Equity - 10/20/2014

Q3 Deal Flow in Europe: Speed Bumps Remain 2014 hasn’t been the banner year industry professionals were expecting in Europe. Private equity (PE), venture capital (VC) and growth investment deal counts were soft in 3Q, which likely means that 2014 will end the year well below… Login to Read More...