
The Pulse of Private Equity - 12/1/2014

A Soft Fourth Quarter This Year We’ve heard from some industry professionals that fourth quarter deal flow is probably going to be softer than normal this year. The first two months of 4Q 2014 have seen 440 PE deals close in the U.S. worth a combined $90.9 billion…. Login to Read More...

Chart of the Week - Exhibit A

Regulators are zeroing in on high leverage and weak structures as major leveraged loan risks. Sources:  The Fed, FDIC, OCC (Shared National Credits Program (2014 Leveraged Loan Supplement)… Login to Read More...

Lead Left Interview - M. Grier Eliasek

This week we speak with M. Grier Eliasek, President and Chief Operating Officer of Prospect Capital Management. Prospect is a $7+ billion AUM leading provider of flexible private debt and equity capital to sponsor and non-sponsor owned middle market companies. The Lead Left: Grier, is it my imagination or is a lot of capital coming…

What’s Ahead for 2015? (Part One)

We had just polished off our second helping of pumpkin pie last Thursday evening when the first (of what we assume will be many) “2015 Market Outlook” hit our in-box. Always big supporters of the crystal ball crowd, we thought we’d begin our own prognostication series by sharing some of the contents of that forecast…

Welcome to Loan Land

Everybody talks about yield, but nobody does anything about it. In particular, the Fed’s reluctance to be pinned down to a date certain when rates will rise has lent a “she-loves-me-she-loves-me-not” tone to investors’ worries. The buy-side has toggled all year between loans and bonds in search of optimal returns. Mutual fund flows have oscillated like…