
Markit Recap – 1/12/2015

The precipitous decline in the oil price has taken some of the attention away from Greece, albeit until the elections next week. Less than four months ago the price of WTI crude was more than $100 a barrel; now it is languishing below $50…. Login to Read More...

Second Thoughts (First of a Series)

We noted with amusement a tidbit in Friday’s WSJ on professional cuddling. Apparently a growing number of fully clothed people are paying snuggle experts for services that include squeezing, tickling, and bear-hugging. “I felt transformed,” one client reported. Besides trying to wrap our brain around the fine distinction between this activity and…well, others, we were…

Lead Left Interview - Gavin Vorwerg

This week we chat with Gavin Vorwerg, Director at Laurium Capital. Laurium is a hedge fund dedicated to investments in Africa. The Lead Left: Gavin, this is an unusual space for us, but Africa seems like a huge growth opportunity. Gavin Vorwerg: It is, Randy. We started six and a half years ago focused on…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 1/12/2015

At $940 billion, leveraged loan issuance fell 17 percent from 2013’s record, as opportunistic refinancings fell 38 percent to $547 billion on the back of periods of volatility and slowing retail demand. Although top line figures were dragged down by the decline in refinancing volume, the 21 percent jump in leveraged… Login to Read More...

The Pulse of Private Equity - 1/12/2015

Expect More of the Same in 2015 Final PE numbers for 2014 are in. U.S. deal flow nearly matched 2013 levels at 2,955 investments, but the bigger story was in total value, which grew to $523 billion over 2013’s $501 billion…. Login to Read More...