
Markit Recap – 2/9/2015

This week we saw the first signs of contagion, albeit tentative, from the impasse in Greece. Spain, where the anti-austerity Podemos party is leading the opinion polls, saw its CDS spreads widen 11bps to 94bps (2003 ISDA definitions), while Italy was 13bps wider at 113bps…. Login to Read More...

Secrets to a Successful Job Search

Last month we wrote a blog for the website of the New York chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth. For those who don’t know, ACG is the premier association for middle market professionals (your correspondent is a board member). The blog was on job searching; specifically, how job opportunities arise from networking. Based on…

Secrets to a Successful Job Search

Download 7 Insider Secrets to a Winning Job Search Here are some excerpts: Job searching is not a casual process. You’re either all-in or all-out It’s not about people you know; it’s who they know When you tell your friends about your new job, will they say “What?” or “Wow!” Network today as if you’ll be jobless […]

Chart of the Week - Prime Cut

Out-flows from retail loan funds eased last month from December’s flood, helping rebalance supply-demand technicals in favor of issuers.

Lead Left Interview - Barry Bobrow

This week we chatted with Barry Bobrow, Managing Director, head of Loan Sales and Syndications, Wells Fargo Capital Finance. Wells Fargo Capital Finance is one of the largest providers of asset-based loans to large, middle market and small companies in the United States. The Lead Left: Barry, it’s been a while since we last caught…