
Lead Left Interview - Barry Bobrow ( Part 2 )

This week we continue our conversation with Barry Bobrow, Managing Director, head of Loan Sales and Syndications, Wells Fargo Capital Finance. Wells Fargo Capital Finance is one of the largest providers of asset-based loans to large, middle market and small companies in the United States. Second of two parts – View part one The Lead Left: How about…

Chart of the Week -  Refi Chill

Loan repayments have declined since July 2013, as widening spreads foil issuers looking to cheapen borrowing costs. Source: SEC filings, ratings reports, market sources, S&P/LSTA Index… Login to Read More...

You’ll Want to Read this Column – Trust Us.

From prehistoric times until 2003, human beings cumulatively created five exobytes of data. That’s five billion gigabytes. We now produce that much information every 48 hours. We send out 100 million emails every minute. Bombarded by this blizzard of bytes, we can’t possibly manage it coherently. What to do? Welcome to the era of content…

Markit Recap – 2/16/2015

European investment grade credit has comfortably outperformed its US counterpart over the past 12 months. Based on the differing fortunes of the respective economies in the two regions, this might seem surprising. But the basis between the Markit iTraxx Europe… Login to Read More...