
Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - Debt to EBITDA

Leveraged Lending Guidance continues to have a significant impact on the structuring of large corporate LBO deals. The average debt to EBITDA for large corporate LBO transactions has fallen below six times for the first time in eight quarters. So far in 1Q15, the average leverage is 5.91 times, down from 6.51 times in 4Q14 and…

Markit Recap – 3/2/2015

When it comes to how banks finance their activities, there is little doubt we are in a new era. If anyone did question that the climate has changed, then a little-known Austrian institution may have caused them to think again this week. The government of Austria announced that Heta Asset Resolution, the “bad bank”… Login

The Art of Pricing Loans (Second of a Series)

Call it Bother of the Bride. The singer/guitarist of a wedding band posts a picture of the mother’s blue and black dress on Tumblr. Apparently other band members said it looked white and gold, so she wanted second opinions. Well, she got them – 500 within a half-hour. Then things went viral. Buzzfeed had almost…

Chart of the Week - All Relative

Both loan and high-yield bond yields peaked in mid-December, easing since. Relative spread favors junk by 200 bps. Gap between high-yield bonds and loans Source: S&P LCD

Lead Left Interview - Mike Hall and Bill Dietz (Part 2)

This week we continue our conversation with Michael J. Hall and Bill Dietz, managing partner at Yukon Capital Partners. Yukon provides mezzanine capital to middle market businesses with a focus on deals controlled by private equity sponsors. The firm was poised to wrap up its second mezzanine fund raise. Second of two parts – View part one The Lead Left:…