
Markit Recap – 5/11/2015

A weekend has passed since the UK’s general election, allowing time for investors to digest last Thursday’s surprising result. The victory confounded opinion polls, which had suggested another hung parliament. This uncertainty leading up to the election resulted in an increased level of volatility in the markets…. Login to Read More...

Lead Left Interview - John Katzman (Part Two)

This week we continue our conversation with John Katzman, founder and CEO of Noodle. Noodle is a NYC-based company providing on-line tools to help students find resources to find the right schools, services, and learning materials.  Second of two parts – View part one The Lead Left: But can you really scale individualism? John Katzman: We do it…

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 5/11/2015

Roughly one third of banks and non-banks polled at TRLPC’s 3rd Annual Middle Market Loan Conference last week reported that sponsored M&A deal flow will most likely not materialize over the next two months. The percentage grew to 36 percent of respondents expecting that deal… Login to Read More...

The Pulse of Private Equity - 5/11/2015

The latest numbers for U.S. private equity cash flows reveal just how successfully firms have taken advantage of recent exit opportunities. As of the end of 3Q 2014, PE distributions back to LPs were a huge $205.9 billion while contributions were a more modest $99 billion,… Login to Read More...

Markit Recap – 5/4/2015

It wasn’t so long ago – in fact, less than three weeks ago – that the big story in European financial markets was very low, or even negative, government bond yields. Germany’s 10-year bunds were trading below 0.05% in mid-April, while bonds in the eurozone’s periphery were quoted at significantly lower yields than the US…. Login to Read

Why Credit Standards Matter (Second of a Series)

The response to last week’s column, as we initiated our special series on the state of credit standards in the leveraged lending market, was heartening. Readers enthusiastically supported the notion that industry players need to be reminded of the basics of credit risk and why it’s critical to stick to the fundamental tenets of sound…

Lead Left Interview - John Katzman

This week we chat with John Katzman, founder and CEO of Noodle. Noodle is a NYC-based company providing on-line tools to help students find resources to find the right schools, services, and learning materials. The Lead Left: John, back in 1981, you founded The Princeton Review as an SAT test prep class for New York…