
Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 6/22/2015

Halfway through 2015 and Leveraged Lending Guidance continues to keep leverage levels under control on buyout deals. The share of deals with leverage of seven times or greater has plummeted in 1H15 to only 5.7% from 26% last year. The share of deals levered greater than 7 times peaked in 2007 at almost 40%…. Login to

Markit Recap – 6/15/2015

There are many words synonymous with the European sovereign debt crisis, the portmanteau ‘Grexit’ being the most in vogue. But a word that was thought to have been banished by the ECB – contagion – has returned to the discourse this week. Spreads in Italy, Spain and Portugal – the peripheral countries most exposed to…

Payback Time – Readers’ Say

Our mailbag was overflowing in response to last week’s column on the topic of repayment trends in leveraged loans. Readers mostly bemoaned the lack of discipline by lenders in compelling borrowers to reduce debt in the form of real amortization. We considered how quaint the notion has become of borrowers actually repaying debt over the…

The Pulse of Private Equity - 6/15/2015

Valuations met with a shrug High valuations have become a headache in the PE industry, not only for the firms themselves but also their own LP investors. Overpaying today leads to under-reaping tomorrow. Even so, deal activity… Login to Read More...

Lead Left Interview - Robert Gefaell

This week we chat with Robert Gefaell, co-founder and partner, Plexus Capital. Plexus focuses on subordinated debt investments in middle market companies, with a total of $550 million under management across three funds. The Lead Left: Robert, you and your partners got started together at the old Centura Bank, correct? Robert Gefaell: That’s right, Randy….