
Markit Recap – 7/6/2015

Pressure on Euro banks pushes spreads wider European financials have seen their credit risk nearly double since March, steered by the prospect of less government aid for banks and the ongoing Greek crisis. Markit iTraxx Europe Senior Financials is at its widest level since March 2014… Login to Read More...

Why Revolvers Matter

It’s been called the most mispriced security on Wall Street. It’s also the least-known casualty of bank regulatory reform. Welcome to the revolving credit facility. For decades the workhorse of commercial financing, a revolving credit operates like a credit card supporting a corporate borrower’s receivables and inventory. It’s typically made available by commercial banks in…

Lead Left Interview - Scott Kupor (Part 2)

This week we continue our conversation with Scott Kupor, managing partner and COO, Andreessen Horowitz. Andreessen Horowitz is a $4 billion venture capital firm, founded in 2009 by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz. The company is headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Second of two parts – View part one The Lead Left: As a top unicorn investor,…

The Pulse of Private Equity - 7/6/2015

PE’s New Sweet Spot: $1bn-$5bn Private equity seems to have a new sweet spot for fund sizes. 53% of total capital raised in the U.S. went to the $1-$5bn range, the third time since the crisis that it’s closed a majority of LP dollars. The big exception is 2013,… Login to Read More...

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 7/6/2015

After a slow start to the year which generated less than $224 billion in high yield financings – of which a thin $138 billion represented leveraged loan volume – in 1Q, high yield financings picked up momentum in the second quarter. Nearly $325 billion in high yield debt cleared the market… Login to Read More...