
Markit Recap – 7/20/2015

The all-important deadline of July 20 has passed without incident, Greece having redeemed its debt to the ECB with the help of a bridging loan. This doesn’t mean the crisis in Greece is resolved – far from it – but it does give the market some breathing space. We remarked last week that China may…

Dividends Without Tears

It’s that time of year again. We’re not referring to barbecues and Slip ‘N Slides, although both hot and liquid could be used to describe conditions in leveraged lending today. No, we mean it’s time to sit back and watch as dividend recaps come alive again. S&P Capital IQ’s Steve Miller had a great note…

Lead Left Interview - John Brignola (Part 2)

This week we continue our conversation with John Brignola, managing partner, LBC Credit Partners. LBC is a leading provider of middle market financing solutions supporting sponsored and non-sponsored transactions. LBC has over $1.75 billion of capital commitments and has made over $3.2 billion in investments in a wide range of industries located throughout North America. Second…

The Pulse of Private Equity - 7/20/2015

Secondary buyouts are down by value but consistent by volume. With news of First Data going public, it’s worth remembering how few 2006-2008 PE investments ended up transferring to other PE sponsors, at least $10B+ companies. Realistically, those buyouts needed to be exited via IPOs or, in some cases, through… Login to Read More...

Leveraged Loan Insight & Analysis - 7/20/2015

2Q15 ABL volume at lowest level in nearly 2 years; 1H15 total down 17% y-o-y ABL volume tumbled in 2Q15 to close out the period at just over $18 billion, the lowest quarterly volume results since 3Q13. 1H15 issuance settled at $38.5 billion, a drop of nearly 17% compared to the year ago period…. Login